WOW. That moved me. I felt that same way on getting to the USA in 2004. Fridges full of food, restaurants so cheap. Such an abundance. I experienced the same shock at the friendliness.

One of the reasons is that there is not such a desperate struggle for resources and survival.

As an immigrant I when i got here I started working 60 - 70 hours weeks to get as much money and stuff as possible so I could survive and have a high quality of life...

Eventually I became numb to it and overweight... so I moved into the Auzzie outback for 7 years with my new American family. Then we moved back and it was like a wonderland all over again!

It was alway my dream - as a young kid grownig up watching Beverly hills 90210 and Married with Children to live like that. If not like the kids in LA... then at least like AL Bundy!

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Ohh wow from the details of your comment I see you really got my experience. I guess it's one thing immigrants have in common when we go live in the US. There is something so different about how people live the daily life there. Of course I can only speak from my limited experience in 2 States, which is clearly not representative for all 50 of them.

I find it interesting you went back and forth a couple of times. I guess that makes it harder to keep adapting and readapting?

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Its pretty representative of all 50 of them. Maybe except alaska...

Ive been to 40 or so. :)

I like to do thing rough for a bit. Then come back to the soft american life.

Just spent six months in South Africa.... soooo yeah.

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So lovely, I felt your emotions all the way!

My arrival to Colorado Springs for my internship was rather rocky 20 years ago exactly, but then it took off from there.

Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Thanks, Andrea! Yes, I'm aware of how lucky I was to have this wonderful experience.

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Beautifully written and thanks for sharing such personal thoughts.

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Thank you for reading it!

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Very well written. Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. I can relate completely. The overwhelmness must have been gigantic. Funny enough, I emigrated the other way around - from Switzerland to Romania! Best decision ever.

Sa ai o zi placuta. Multumesc.

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Thank you for reading my essay and for your words! Your emigration path is interesting and I'm happy to hear you find it a good decision; it means Romania is growing and improving. :)

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😅 it is improving indeed.

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Always such a joy reading your writing. I had that 'I'm really here' moment when I was in Australia, it's the best feeling of 'I did it!'.

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It is such a good feeling, isn't it?! :)

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It really is! I feel like I've been chasing that feeling since, I've had a few moments of 'I'm in the right place and I'm lucky' but this 'I'm really here' has only ever happened in Australia.

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Gilmore Girls! Ahhh the perfect little town and it reminds me so much of my hometown in the mountains... but then I remember that scene when Jesse walks out for the first time and sees the gazebo and all that Starshollow has to offer and 'This is Hell' by Elvis Costello plays in the background.

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OK so I just watched 20 min of Jess and Rory on Youtube! 🩷🩷😍

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Incredible! You have been in quit a journey! I am so happy America welcomed you with open arms and embraced you. Blessings to you! Thank you for telling your story.

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Thank you so much, Charlotte! Yeah, that was the very beginning of my journeys. :) A great start, and yes the US has been a second home to me, mainly thanks to the people whom I met there. More to come!

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Thank you, I look forward to following your journeys @Monica Nastase and, I’m thank you @Deborah T. Hewitt for a wonderful recommendation! ✨💜🤗

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